Vantr takes extra precaution to verify that the NFT that is submitted for minting is not already minted/listed elsewhere. Vantr scans the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) for checking the same.  IPFS is used by most NFT platforms as a repository for the digital asset (Picture, video, document, etc) and a match in IPFS might indicate that the asset has already been stored by someone else.  Vantr team is progressively looking at more methodologies to prevent counterfeit listings

However, to comply with laws and to prevent fraud, Vantr takes declaration from the person listing NFT stating they are the creator of the NFT and are in legal possession of it.  Any NFT found to be counterfeit or listed without legal possession/ownership would be subjected to de-listing.

For more information of IPFS:

Adding data to IPFS produces a content identifier (CID) that's directly derived from the data itself and links to the data in the IPFS network. Because a CID can only ever refer to one piece of content, we know that nobody can replace or alter the content without breaking the link.

Mint an NFT with IPFS | IPFS Docs
Non-fungible tokens allow users to create and trade digital items with differing values. Go from nothing to creating a freshly-minted NFT token and storing it on IPFS with the help of the Pinata pinning service.